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Young Voices of Austin

The mission of Young Voices of Austin is to foster musical excellence, leadership, and sustained academic achievement. Their choristers become global citizens who use the power of music as the path to create bridges throughout our city and into the world.

Young Voices of Austin provides a high-quality after-school program to a racially and socioeconomically diverse population of young people ages 6-18.  This includes assistance with identifying and applying to colleges, tutoring, guidance on auditions and essay-writing, and SAT/ACT preparation. Musical instruction includes rigorous sight-singing and ear-training, general music literacy, vocal technique, and stage presence and movement.

How to Get Involved

Young Voices of Austin relies on volunteers, donors, and community partners to help achieve their goals. They welcome donations of time on program days for tutoring, office assistance, food donations, opportunities for the kids to sing, supplies, and, of course, are grateful for any financial assistance toward scholarships and operations.

Big Event

There is one fundraiser each spring, most recently the Music and Moonlight event in February. The choristers also perform at the Zilker Trail of Lights in December and at two concerts each year, in addition to community events around town.


Tuition for the after-school program is currently $700 per year. They operate at a 76 percent full scholarship rate so that the program can be available to children throughout the city and beyond who might otherwise not be able to join. This includes not only program fees, but also most concert attire, a meal each program day (generously donated by a rotation of local Austin restaurants) and, for those who require it, transportation from their school to the program and back.

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