put a 'p' on it
The Encyclopedia Show puts the pfun in learning with next show, Pflugerville
- Photo by Michael Graupmann
How much do you know about Pflugerville? I mean, really know about it?
After living in Austin a total of five years, I can say with all honesty that I have never purposefully been to, thought twice about nor inquired about our quaint neighbor to the northeast. Sure, I loved Friday Night Lights as much as other non-football fans, but is there more to the city than meets the NBC eye?
In order to end our dearth of information on this proudly German town named after Mr. Henry Pfluger, Sr., The Encyclopedia Show Austin is fixing its keen comical focus on the town with a pfunny name this Thursday night at the ND@501 Studios. With local comedians, writers, poets and more, the live literary variety show will be setting you right on what makes this quiet little suburb so darn endearing.
ColdTowne Theater Artistic Director Michael Jastroch will detail his discovery regarding the food, floats and festivities of the annual Deutschen Pfest. Host of the Austin reading series 5 Things, Lesley Clayton, will be discussing the significance of The Pflugerville Pflag, the local newspaper with an interesting if misleading name. And Amy Gentry, a newly-minted University of Chicago Docotor of Philosophy in English, will be sharing her findings on the Pflugerville Library's newest literacy campaign: "Pflugerville Reads One Book This Month."
The evening's special guest is none other than former Austin Poetry Slam national team member Genevieve Van Cleve, who is not only a talented writer and a political advocate but a bonafide native of Pflugerville. The spirited, always outspoken Van Cleve will be sharing her honest recollections of growing up as a child of the 80s in the town "Caught between a Rock and A Weird Place."
Rounding out the evening will be the return of two long-standing P'ville-based characters that Encyclopedia Show regulars will instantly identify. The Lord Professor Michael Patrick Slefinger will once again demonstrate his classical acting acumen as demonstrated in his work at the Pflugerville Players Playhouse. And everyone's favorite adopted father, Stepdad Ron, will provide his much-applauded but generally nonsensical opinions regarding his campaign for Pflugerville City Council.
The Encyclopedia Show, an Austin Chronicle "Best of 2010" winner, arrives each month with a new performed entry chosen from the actual encyclopedia. By showcasing local and touring talent, audiences are invited to explore the month's subject through the invited contributors' research and personal connections with their assigned topics. Upcoming show topics include: Brains, Spices, Flightless Birds and Christmas.
CultureMap will be at the ND on Thursday as the official sponsors of the night's pfestivities. Sign up to become a CultureMap Insider and enter to win two tickets to see John Leguizamo in his new one-person show Ghetto Klown at the Paramount on Friday night. Winner will be chosen at the show.