Flying Freaky
Just Plane Sex: Continental, United join mile-high club on BusinessWeek cover
Hey, baby, want to get a drink, go back to my place and talk about mergers?
In a Bloomberg Businessweek cover story on the merger of Continental and United airlines, two planes are pictured in flagrante over a softcore backdrop of a cloudy sky and a romantically lit sunset. The headline? "Let's Get It On."
Hey, if the tarmac's a-rockin' don't come a-knockin'.
Combined with a plug for the Facebook IPO dubbed "Friends With Benefits," it's clear that business has never been sexier.
Creative director Richard Turley also shared an alternate version of the cover on his blog, this one with the planes getting freaky next to an airport terminal, complete with "woman covering her child’s eyes and the people going crazy in the control tower."
Hey, if the tarmac's a-rockin' don't come a-knockin'.
It's not the first time an edgy designer has illustrated mergers with humping — Turley credits a classic cover of The Economist featuring two camels as an inspiration.
What do you think of the cover? Is love in the air?