Hipstercrite says
Richmond is the next Hipster City; Detroit is mad at me
- Richmond Virginia
- Hipsters sitting on a stoop in DetroitPhoto by Westpress
- Chattanooga, TN.
Much to my surprise, a playful hypothesizing of what the next hipster cities of America will be turned into a bloodthirsty national debate last week.
Hipsters from Chattanooga, Asheville, Burlington, Detroit, Richmond, Pittsburgh and Baltimore voiced their opinions and duked it out to be the next hipster city. Non-hipsters from those cities also chimed in and told us to drop dead. Whether you like young, creative urbanites or not, the subject matter seems to be a passionate one.
So what were your thoughts on America's next hipster cities?
Congratulations, Richmond, you're the next hipster city of America. With that being said, let me tell you what comes with that honor.
In Detroit, I managed to piss some people off with my insinuation that the city is a bottomless pit of Biblical proportions. The folks at Changing Gears, wrote a response entitled, "Dear People Who Don't Know Anything About Detroit, Your Jokes Are Dumb." It's true, joke telling is not my best attribute, but I worked at American Apparel in a former life and I subsequently know way too much about hipsters. Curbed Detroit jumped into our Twitter battle about which city has better hipsters, Detroit or Austin.
Parties involved decided that a drink-off between The Motor City and The Pedicab City was needed and Detroit was confident that they would win. Oh, I think not, Detroit.
(P.S. All joking aside, I'm very fond of Detroit and would love to visit there one day to gawk at all their ruin porn.)
Chattanooga being all awesome-like, kind of dug the idea of being the next hipster city and were kind enough to ask me in their local paper, Nooga, why I chose The Gig City as an emerging hip place. One word: Chatype. Even Austin doesn't have a city-wide typeface!
The folks of Burlington were fearful that their dear city would be taken over by overly obnoxious James Joyce-spewing, Warby Parker-wearing, Bellflower-loving youth, Asheville found their city divided, Richmond liked the idea of their city being hipsterfied, as did Pittsburgh, and I think no one from Baltimore even acknowledged the post's existence.
Commentors mentioned I forgot to add up-and-coming hip cities such as New Orleans, Cincinnati, Columbus, San Luis Obisbo, Flagstaff, Decatur, Louisville and Tulsa to the list. What are your thoughts?
In order to crown the next emerging hip city, CultureMap ran a poll asking you what you think the next hipster of America is. The consensus? Richmond, Virginia by a landslide (72% of votes). Dear, sweet Chattanooga held the 1st place spot for awhile, only to be shoved aside by Richmond's city-wide push for the title. Congratulations, Richmond, you're the next hipster city of America!
With that being said, let me tell you what comes with that honor.
Shepard Fairey street art, Californians, food trailers, 2 more additional American Apparels, pedicabs, more music festivals than you'll know what to do with, random Ryan Gosling sightings, a W Hotel and gluten-free, dairy-free air sandwiches.
What do you think? Do you think Richmond, Virginia is the next hipster city of America?