Cuddly Quarantine
Queer Eye star drops into Austin Pets Alive! to foster dog during quarantine

The Fab 5 from Queer Eye are currently in town to film the sixth season of their hit Netflix show, and one is making especially good use of his COVID-19 quarantine time.
Food guru Antoni Poworski recently stopped by Austin Pets Alive! to do a little Facebook livestream, showing off the pit bull/beagle mix named Neon that he's fostering and encouraging Austinites to foster or adopt while we're all stuck at home.
Austin Pets Alive! is aiming to get at least 50 percent of its animals in homes, as there are fewer people available to care for the cats and dogs currently in their possession. Both of the Town Lake Animal Center and Tarrytown locations currently have normal hours of operation.
To become an APA! dog foster, click here. To become a cat foster, click here. All fosters must apply online prior to coming to the shelter to pick up an animal. To sign up to be an emergency on-call foster for Austin Animal Center, email
"Finding foster homes for as many of our animals as possible has been absolutely crucial," says Austin Animal Center's Jennifer Olohan. "It helps with kennel space and it lessens the burden on staff who have already lost all volunteer support. It also gives the animal an opportunity to decompress from life at the shelter, and helps us learn more about their home life behavior. So that when the shelter is back open to adopters, we can have all kinds of notes and information about that animal and make even better adoption matches."
Those who cannot adopt or foster are encouraged to make a donation via the APA! website or purchase something from the organization's COVID-19 wishlist, found here.
Meanwhile, Austin Animal Center is currently closed to the public until March 30. It will not be facilitating adoptions during this closure, but will still approve foster applications and transfer of animals to rescue organizations.
AAC will not be taking in any animals from the public that are brought to the facility. If you find a lost animal, take these steps to reunite it with its owner:
- Submit a Found Animal Report by calling 311 or using the Austin 311 app.
- Take the animal to any Austin fire station or recreation center, a veterinarian, emergency animal hospital, or pet store to have the pet scanned for a microchip.
- Post the pet as found on sites like Nextdoor, Craigslist, and Austin Lost and Found Pets.
- Hang flyers where the pet was found, as most pets are found less than 1,000 feet from their home.
Animal Protection Officers will still be responding to calls of service in the community based on priority level response, which consist of rabies quarantine/bite investigation calls, and aggressive and/or injured animal calls.
If a resident has lost their pet and believes the animal is at AAC, they may call 512-978-0556 to begin the process of reclaiming their pet.