Bringing style to storms
Dapper Austin meteorologist stars in new GQ series
David Yeomans, the newly minted chief meteorologist at Austin TV station KXAN, is already making a national splash.
Attired in fashionable duds (of course), the dapper Yeomans appears in a new 46-minute segment on the GQ web series The Breakdown to break down natural-disaster fact versus fiction in 10 movies and TV shows. Among the films and programs that receive the Yeomans treatment are Twister, The Crown, and War of the Worlds.
Yeomans says the special effects in Twister, the movie that helped inspire him to chase a career in meteorology, stand up to real-life scrutiny.
“This got a whole generation of people into the weather, including me,” he says in The Breakdown. “There’s a very realistic tornado, some debris spinning around on the ground or whatever else is chewed up by the tornado, and the condensation funnel is basically the tornado itself.”
So, how did Yeomans pivot from Twister fan to Twister whisperer? The folks at GQ came across his Instagram account and ultimately tapped him for The Breakdown.
“It was surreal to be selected as GQ’s meteorology expert and critique how accurate the science is in movies like Twister,” Yeomans tells KXAN. “I first saw Twister as a kid and must’ve watched it 40 times on VHS. To go from watching it then to watch it in this setting, it dawned on me that I have fully realized my childhood dream of being a meteorologist.”
Yeomans, a 2005 graduate of Westlake High School, realized his adulthood dream of becoming a chief meteorologist when Jim Spencer stepped aside in February as KXAN’s longtime weather honcho. Yeomans, a Spencer protégé, now holds down the KXAN weather desk on weekday evening broadcasts.
Now, two months after accepting the weather torch from Spencer, Yeomans is heating up the internet with the GQ gig.
“It was a blast. They basically had to kick me out of the studio,” Yeomans says. “I could have stayed there all day talking meteorology in blockbuster films. The hardest part was figuring out what to wear, it being GQ and all.”