- Setting the recordPhoto by Cheryl Bemis
- Sherry Neeley nursing her two year-old daughter Laurel.Photo by Cheryl Bemis
When a nurse came into my hospital room after I gave birth to my son and then later the same with my daughter, out popped the question, are you bottle feeding or breast feeding? It was a decision every young mother had to ponder back in the day. When I asked my mom for some advice she lead me to my own decision because she came from an era when bottle feeding was the trend. While nursing my son was anything but enjoyable, my daughter on the other hand lasted 18 months and I did get a sense she ended up with fewer infections.
Over the weekend moms across the world simultaneously held their children and did what comes naturally since the beginning of time and in the prcess they set a world-record, bringing more awareness and education about breastfeeding.
Austin moms gathered at the MamaCents consignment sale in north Austin and “Latched On” to help break the previous record.
Janet Jones, the Vice President of Central Texas Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition mentioned that the Austin community is active in supporting all breastfeeding mothers and the Austin Mother’s Milk Bank. She also said that the event was to help “normalize breastfeeding” but isn’t it about the most normal thing anyway?
The long list of benefits of breastfeeding has not changed even 25 years after I had my children and more moms are opting to breastfeed. According to the CDC, breastfeeding initiation increased from 74.6% in 2008 to 76.9% in 2009. This represents the largest annual increase over any previous decade. Breastfeeding at six months increased from 44.3% to 47.2%; breastfeeding at twelve months increased from 23.8% to 25.5%.
The Central Texas Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Austin sponsored the Austin Big Latch On event. More than a dozen lactating moms gathered and breastfed their children in public together. The kids ranging from ages six weeks to two years.
In 2011 five countries participated with more than 8700 moms breastfeeding together world-wide, up from 5700 in 2011.
I did breastfeed my son for a very short time after he was born but my daughter on the other hand lasted 18 months and I did see many health benefits with her. I was a bottle fed kid and I paid my mother back royally by having 24/7 colic for three months straight. Guess she shouldn’t have messed with mother nature!