film files
Heard of Film Passes or Single Admission Tickets? Find out the many ways localscan get into SXSW Film this year
We’ve unearthed some tips from official SXSW Film insiders on how to maximize your SXSW Film experience without that blessed lanyard hanging ’round your neck. The Film arm of SXSW works hard to extend an invite of inclusion to the general public. You have, dare I say, a far better chance of getting into an official film than an official showcase during music.
Ways to attend, in order of price and level of access
Badges: If you want to drop some plastic on a badge, lucky you, you still can! They're still available on the SXSW website. This gets you priority entrance to all films as well as access to the Film Conference, SXSW Trade Show and Official SXSW Film Parties. Oh and badgeholders beware: Even you guys should arrive to a movie 30 minutes in advance.
Film Passes: If you are interested in only attending the actual film screenings, the Film Pass is now available for $80, which gives you unlimited access to all films. You can pick up a Film Pass at Waterloo Records and Alamo Drafthouse Ritz, Lamar and Village locations (until they sell out). Same rules apply: Badge-holders enter first, then all empty theater seats will then be filled by Pass-holders, and then later single-admission ticket holders, if space is available.
Single admission tickets: Many people don't know that this is an option. These tickets will go on sale about 15 minutes prior to screening time, if there is still seating available. The single admission ticket price is $10 for all screenings. If you need to purchase one, we recommend you arrive an hour or more before screening time, especially at smaller venues like the Alamo Ritz.
Bonus material
Multiple-screenings: In case you missed the film the first time, SXSW offers several screenings of many of the showcased films through March 17th. Be sure to check the SXSW website, where you’ll find multiple, official show times and their screening locations. You have several options for attending the films you want to see.
Advance tickets at the Paramount: A limited number of individual tickets will also be available in advance for a selection of Paramount screenings via starting in early March, so keep your eyes peeled.
2012 Film Venues
1. Paramount Theatre**
2. Alamo South Lamar**
3. Alamo Ritz (downtown)
4. Canon Screening Room @ The Long Center** (In the Rollins Theater)
5. Carver Center
6. Stateside (previously State Theatre)
7. Violet Crown Cinema – New Venue
8. Vimeo Theater @ the Austin Convention Center (ACC)**
9. SXSatellite: Alamo Slaughter Lane** – New Venue
10. SXSatellite: Alamo Village** – New Venue
** These are your best bet venues. You will be more likely to get in with Film Pass and SXSW will sell individual tickets more frequently since these are our larger venues.
Well, there you have it. This guide should help answer most of your how-to questions. Now if you ask us how to park downtown during SXSW, we don't have even the slightest answer for that...
Get. Everywhere. Early.