
Links we love today

Tig Notaro makes us cry, Smash Mouth collaborates with Guy Fieri, Morrisseyhates The Ramones and more

Here are the links we loved today:

We have no idea why Smash Mouth wrote a cookbook with Guy Fieri.

Time picks the 50 best websites of 2012.

Online service Deceased Account has your Internet presence covered in the afterlife.

James Franco has a new music video, kind of?

The New York Times talks to Davy Rothbart, of Found Magazine and recent memoir My Heart Is An Idiot.

The Louvre is opening an Islamic art wing.

NPR is streaming a full, recent Grizzly Bear concert.

Stay away from Sierra Blanca, Texas; the town notorious for arresting musicians for possession has a new inmate, Fiona Apple.

A teenage Morrissey hated The Ramones, and there's published proof.

Make sure you're eating the best $.50 noodles with The Ramen Rater.

Real talk: Stand-up Tig Notaro's appearance on Conan last night, in which she talks about her recent cancer diagnosis and her unimaginably bad year, made me cry a little, and smile for her positive prognosis:

SNL's new Thursday night weekend update welcomes regular guest Drunk Uncle:
