
Links we love today

Year's best mugshots, the origin of Looper, Scovel and Dore do Conan and more

Here are the links we loved today:

Director Rian Johnson has released his original 4-page treatment for Looper.

Have scientists found "another Earth"?

CMJ interviews Mountain Goats singer John Darnielle.

Check out the year's best mugshots.

TIME has released their best music video of the year picks (and so has Gorilla vs Bear).

Patti Smith is writing a sequel to her hit memoir Just Kids.

Get ready to get jealous about Forbes' annual "30 Under 30" list.

Garage rockers Wavves will be releasing a hip-hop inspired album.

If you missed Jon Dore and Rory Scovel's latest Conan appearance, watch this immediately please:

Also, this trailer for SATC pre-series The Carrie Diaries:

Tegan and Sara cover Cyndi Lauper:
