SXSW Lineups
SXSW announces first round of featured speakers including Dr. Peter Attia

There were 15 featured speakers in the initial announcement.
South by Southwest (SXSW) had barely exited the news cycle before returning with the first of next year's lineup news. Although plans have been unfolding, this latest announcement — the first round of featured speakers — is the first big one for people deciding what specifically they'll be doing at the conference and festival.
The decentralized event, taking place at public and private venues around Austin including its conference center HQ, movie theaters, music venues, restaurants, stores, and more, will happen Mach 7-15, 2025. During that time Austin will be packed with visitors from around the world, many of whom will be presenting an idea or giving a performance. This is the 39th edition of the conference, which according to a press release "celebrates the convergence of technology, film, television, and music."
Talks are further sorted into 23 "tracks" that help attendees follow the topics that serve them, usually in a professional capacity. However, many are just fun or overall enriching; it's just very expensive to go to conference for fun. Tracks this year include both Music & Tech and Music Industry, Psychedlics, Transportation, Culture, Climate & Sustainability, Government & Civic Engagement, and more.
”Featuring thought leaders from technology, entertainment, welfare, and advocacy, today’s announcement showcases many of the verticals that make SXSW a can’t miss event for professionals and creatives worldwide,” said co-President and chief programming officer Hugh Forrest in the release. “We're looking forward to welcoming back SXSW veterans such as [Team Human podcast host] Douglas Rushkoff and [founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute] Amy Webb, and introducing newcomers like [human rights advocate] Nadia Murad and [The Drive podcast host] Dr. Peter Attia to our incredible community.”
It seems like everyone who gets a panel at SXSW has multiple identifiers and accolades, so it's worth reading the official listings for more information. For now, here are an exciting five by folks Forrest didn't mention, plus the remaining titles so far for further research. (We've kept the titles from the announcement intact here.)
A snapshot of featured speakers so far:
- 10 Myths Busted: The Real Impact of AI and Emerging Tech: Founder and Chief Operations Officer of Unstoppable Domains Sandy Carter looks at the AI landscape and separates truth from fiction.
- Breadth is the New Depth: Why the Future Favors Learn-it-alls Over Know-it-alls: Chief Futurist at Deloitte Consulting LLP Mike Bechtel shares thoughts on the importance of keeping an open mind and brainstorming over presenting hard expertise.
- Claiming the Future of Entertainment: President of Blizzard Entertainment Johanna Faries presents long-lasting ideas in both gaming and culture, and tracks how they invite audiences in.
- "The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos" Live: Professor of Psychology at Yale University Dr. Laurie Santos creates a live taping of of her podcast, The Happiness Lab, using up-to-date scientific research to find paths to happiness in life and at work.
- Human-centered Storytelling: Driving Connection & Culture: Filmmaker and founder of Creative Breed Cheryl Miller Houser offers technical and emotional advice to attendees shape the stories they want to tell, whether they're for business, social impact, or anything else.
- Amy Webb Launches 2025 Emerging Tech Trend Reportwith founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute and professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business Amy Webb
- Design in Tech Report 2025: Autodesigners on Autopilotwith Vice President of Engineering, Head of Computational Design for Microsoft AI Platform John Maeda
- From Survivor to Advocate: Nadia Murad’s Fight for Human Rights and Justice withhuman rights activist, New York Times bestselling author, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and founder of Nadia’s Initiative Nadia Murad
- How Not to Screw Up an AI Transformation While Shaping the Future of your Company with CEO and Chief Futurist of Signal and Cipher Ian Beacraft
- Level Up. The 2025 State of Play on Games, Tech, and Media with New York University professor and co-founder and CEO of ALDORA Joost van Dreunen
- Love Your Tricky Brain and Unlock Your Greatest Leadership Gifts with author and host of the podcast The Anxious AchieverMorra Aarons-Mele
- Peter Attia: The Science and Art of Longevity with #1 New York Times bestselling author, host of the podcast The Drive, and founder of Early Medical Dr. Peter Attia
- Weirding the Digital: An Invocationwith Author, documentarian, Professor of Tactical Media at City University of New York, Queens College, and host of the podcast Team HumanDouglas Rushkoff
Featured speakers whose panels have not been announced yet:
- Vice-Chancellor of Australian National University Genevieve Bell
- Chief Marketing Officer of Rare Beauty Katie Welch