
Take a Little Trip

Austin hot spot named one of America's best travel destinations — and top in Texas

A funky Austin favorite just earned a big accolade: Condé Nast Travelerhas named South Congress Avenue the best travel destination in Texas.

Ahead of the Fourth of July weekend, Condé Nast turned to its editors and social media followers to determine the top trip in each state. When in Texas, the travel magazine says your best bet is to "shop Austin’s most stylish street."

According to the mag, stylish SoCo represents "the intersection of right-now trends and old-school cowboy cool."

Suggests the publication: "Stop by Stag for rugged-chic men's clothing from indie labels like Rogue Territory and The Hill Side, then cross traffic and head to mainstay Allens Boots, where you can pick your perfect pair from over 4,000 new and vintage options."

While shopping may be the focus of this trip, stellar restaurants, live music and eclectic lodging make SoCo an attractive destination for Austinites and out-of-towners. Spots like Jo's Coffee, Hotel San Jose and The Continental Club have become icons of Austin's quirky vibe.

South Congress joins such activities as watching comedy in Chicago, taking a helicopter ride over Kauai, and visiting Tornado Alley in Kansas. For the complete guide to the best trips in the U.S., go here.
