Jim McNabb
Jim McNabb is a journalist based in Austin, Texas. He's seen TV news go fromblack and white film to digital. He's seen radio news virtually disappear dueto deregulation. He's seen Austin go from two daily newspapers to one withmultiple corrections daily too. He's seen mass media audiences and circulationsdiminish. And, he's seen them all create web sites as they try to be part ofthe "new" news media. Jim McNabb has also seen blogs and other alternative media facilitated by theInternet spring into consciousness, while hyper-local, community and nichenewspapers and magazines may be more important than ever. Through the lenses of experience and academe, Jim McNabb writes thejournalism/media criticism blog https://newsmcnabb.blogspot.com[https://newsmcnabb.blogspot.com/]. He holds a BA from Baylor and a MA from TheUniversity of Texas at Austin. He is an adjunct professor at St. Edward’sUniversity.For more than 40 years, McNabb has practiced journalism in Austin, Texas. JimMcNabb has been there and done that. He understands both the professional andpersonal sides of journalism. He is also an ordained and licensed chaplain tojournalists.And, like almost everyone else in South Austin, he is a songwriter/singer.
- With a new world-class facility, KUT will truly become a daily destination – notjust on the radio dial – but a place that engages the community in an immersivemedia and learning experience unlike any other.
- Studio 1A – one of the most famous recording and broadcast studios in Austin –will emerge from its rarely seen basement location to become a highly visibledestination that welcomes audience into the experience.
- Floor Plans
on air
Award-winning local station KUT plans to expand with new broadcasting facilitiesand performance space
Apr 28, 2012 | 2:05 pm