
Texas travel

2 Texas tourist destinations hike onto new ranking of best U.S. state parks

Travel to state parks has been incredibly popular in this summer of social distancing — and lucky Texans have two of the best right here in the Lone Star State.

HomeToGo has unveiled its 2020 U.S. State Park Index, which ranks and scores 20 state parks across the U.S. Palo Duro Canyon State Park (near Amarillo) lands at No. 2 on the list, while the Houston-area Brazos Bend State Park follows at No. 3.

And this is no small feat considering there are a staggering 8,565 state parks nationwide.

The website based its ranking on four factors deemed important to visitors and that help find the best state park. Those factors are:

  • Solitude: Annual park visitors / size of the park
  • Wildlife: Diversity of plants and animals
  • Activities: Types of activities permitted
  • Accommodations: Number of vacation rentals nearby

Palo Duro Canyon State Park scored 9.90 for solitude (ahhh), 6.00 for activities, 8.37 for wildlife, and 9.21 for accommodations — for a total score of 33.48.

Meanwhile, Brazos Bend State Park scored 9.57 for solitude, 6.67 for activities, 7.28 for wildlife, and 9.46 or accommodations — for a total score of 32.73.

Nestled in the Texas Panhandle close to Amarillo, Palo Duro (dubbed the “Grand Canyon of Texas”) is the second largest canyon in the country, just after the Grand Canyon. The natural wonder is 20 miles wide and almost 1,000 feet deep, and boasts dozens of hiking trails, “mind-blowing vistas,” says the survey, adding that “this underrated beauty will impress even the most discerning guest.”

About 45 miles outside of Houston, Brazos Bend State Park offers numerous ponds and lakes — many, however, that contain hungry alligators, so watching signs are a must. Fortunately, the survey notes, the park features 5,000 acres of space — “plenty of room for visitors and wildlife to coexist happily together.”

And for travelers who’d like to visit the top-ranked park in the country, according to HomeToGo? They should plan a trek to Letchworth State Park in Upstate New York.

Rounding out the top 10 are: Blue Spring State Park in Florida (No. 4), Valley of Fire State Park (No. 5), Rainbow Springs State Park in Florida (No. 6), Tettegouche State Park in Minnesota (No. 7), Baxter State Park in Maine (No. 8), Bear Mountain State Park in New York (No. 9), and Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin (No. 10).
