Balloonatic Ballet
Architects of Air's new 'Miracoco' luminarium brings light and magic back to Austin
Jan 27, 2014 | 10:44 am
Are you experienced? If you wandered through Architects in Air's previous luminaria, Exxopolis or Mirazozo, on the Long Center grounds last year, you might be. Architects in Air creates giant, intensely colorful, sculptural environments that visitors can walk though and around to thoroughly experience/freak out on. Their installations are visible from much of the city, particularly along Town Lake and downtown. A gloomy day and a looming Snowpocalypse last week revealed the infinite possibility of charms and mysteries that currently installed luminarium Miracoco has to offer — brilliant pockets of color popping out of velvety richness — and holds promise of more revelations on every return trip. You get more info about Miracocohere.