
Pop Almanac

The Pop Almanac Podcast #20: The Comedy Film Master List

As established, every ten episodes of The Pop Almanac we make an excuse to get list-crazy! This week, inspired by a massive poll conducted by Time Out London, Brendan and Duncan submit their ballots for the top ten comedy movies of all time.

Of course first they had to decide what a comedy was in the first place. Many movies, though they make us laugh quite a bit, are disqualified by an abundance of action sequences, romantic drama, pirates or what-have-you. Don't worry, there are plenty of honorable mentions along the way!

The lists themselves include a B-Movie Star Trek Parody, several starring turns from Saturday Night Live alums (but only one SNL character movie), movies from the 20s, 30s and 40s (Duncan accidentally outs himself as a Cary-Grant-osexual), four movies incredibly ommitted from Time Out London's top 100, and more. One film (much discussed on a recent holiday) even offers additional podcast homework, if you like.

It's an extra-packed episode, but stay tuned: when the countdown reaches Brendan's number two, the most vehement disagreement in The Pop Almanac's short history follows. Blows are threatened!

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