pop almanac
The Pop Almanac Podcast #28: Unacquired TV
Mad Men is back! Have you heard?! This news fills Brendan with apprehension, because he watched the first season of Mad Men and just couldn't get into it. Duncan had the same thing happen with the DVD's of Mr. Show (which all of his comedy-nerd friends and cohosts never let him hear the end of).
This leads to this week's Pop Almanac topic, unacquired television, the shows that your hosts tried to love but couldn't make stick. Some shows lose you and eventually get talked about so much you're drawn back in (Duncan came back to LOST eventually, Brendan gave up on it entirely). In terms of comedy, some shows get too insular and goofy (like Cougartown) or stuck in repeating the same formula (like Modern Family).
It's an episode, as always, of discerning taste and thoughtful banter.
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