Driving Forward
Austin drivers can now weigh in on $4.9 billion plan to overhaul Interstate 35

KVUE — If you’re someone who likes to complain about Interstate 35, now is your chance to make those complaints loud and clear and help shape the interstate’s future in Central Texas.
The Texas Department of Transportation is launching a month-long public comment period on concepts for a $4.9 billion overhaul of I-35.
“This is an expensive project and we want to get it right,” said Diann Hodges, spokesperson for TxDOT. “It's really important to hear from the community right now as we as we work to design the best project for Austin.”
Under the new concepts unveiled Thursday, TxDOT is proposing removing the upper decks of I-35 and lowering the lanes of travel through downtown. All three concepts also call for creating managed lanes and reconstructing the bridge over Lady Bird Lake.
The project would add two managed lanes in each direction. For the managed lanes, TxDOT is proposing making those carpool or HOV — high occupancy vehicle — lanes. They could also be for transit, Hodges said.
One of the concepts proposes tunneling the managed lanes. All the proposals keep the frontage roads at surface level.
To read the full story, head to KVUE News.