Bye bye Bikinis
Infamous Austin breastaurant suits up for new sports bar concept

The age of the Austin “breastaurant” is coming to an end. Twelve years after owner Doug Guller opened his first Bikinis Bar & Grill in the Capital City, the last location at 214 E. Sixth St. is closing.
In its place will be BBG’s, an all-new concept from the entrepreneur’s ATX Brands. According to a release, the sports bar and restaurant will open December 27 with a retooled layout and a menu that revs up Bikinis' bar food for more elevated fare.
Since debuting Bikinis in 2006, Guller has been one of the most entertaining sources of headlines in Austin’s restaurant scene. In April 2013, he trademarked the term “breastaurant.” Later that year, he debuted Bikinis, Texas, with help from Carmen Elektra, turning an abandoned Texas Hill Country railroad town called Bankersmith into a tourist destination.
Then, Guller caused an internet uproar in 2014 with an appearance on CBS’ Undercover Boss where he fired one employee for refusing to wear a bikini top on camera and offered another breast implants if she continued to work at the restaurant for another six months.
BBG’s will be decidedly less salacious, but won’t veer too far from Bikinis' formula. The server dress code may be a little more conservative and the waitstaff will include men, but the eatery will still remain a sport’s bar. And old favorites like wings and burgers will remain on the menu, joined by new offerings like lamb lollipops, grilled chicken rosé pasta, and Korean pork tacos.
“Although Bikinis Sports Bar & Grill is closing its doors, we are very excited about the new changes and all that BBG’s has to offer Austin,” said Guller in a release. “I think BBG’s will appeal to a wider demographic in Austin and allow friends and family to enjoy a new sports bar environment.”
As a final farewell, the restaurant is throwing am epic, 12-day-long party December 12-23. Although the release didn’t specify just how the restaurant would be celebrating, it does come with a gift for the servers — the promise of more weather appropriate clothing ahead.