
Running for a cause

CASA Superhero Run brings out Superman, Superwoman and lots of super cute kids

  • Frankie Meyers (l) and Vinnie Meyers
    Veronica Castelo
  • Shane Brown (l), Liese Wootton and Robing Johnson
    Veronica Castelo
  • Veronica Castelo
  • Veronica Castelo
  • Mathilde Geiger (l), Pearl Vaughan, and Lisel Geiger
    Veronica Castelo
  • Frankie Meyers
    Veronica Castelo
  • Tera Furguson and Kaden Rivera
    Veronica Castelo
  • Veronica Castelo

Holy Smokes, Batman! People living at the Mueller Development woke up to hundreds of superheroes running around their neighborhood Sunday morning.

The threat of rain wasn't enough to keep Spiderman, Superwoman, G.I. Joe and other powerful super humans from running in the CASA Travis County and CASA Williamson County Superhero Run. The 5k was easy to knock out with dozens of children cheering people on, giving high fives and spreading cheer.

Each year the Superhero run raises funds for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Travis County, a nonprofit which believes every child who's been abused or neglected deserves to have a dedicated advocate speaking up for their best interest in court, at school and in our community.

According to their website, CASA educates and empowers diverse community volunteers who ensure each child's needs remain a priority in an over-burdened child welfare system.

The run is based on the idea that we all need heroes, but kids who are neglected need superheroes.
