Exploring Texas
Texas landmark grants visitors rare sight for a limited time
There's a new sight to behold at a Texas landmark, but it won't last very long.
Heavy rains have created a dazzling spectacle in the underground passages of the Natural Bridge Caverns near San Antonio, and intrepid visitors can now tour the phenomenon. The rarely seen Discovery Aquifer Tour gives visitors a first-hand look at the Glen Rose Aquifer, the water reservoir that lies below the caverns.
Under normal circumstances, the water table cannot be seen, but heavy rains have sent large amounts of groundwater into the aquifer, causing it to rise into the lower chambers of Natural Bridge Caverns. Some of the passages are submerged, granting guests a rare chance to get a close-up look at an aquifer.
Natural Bridge Caverns cannot predict how long the aquifer will be visible. Sunny skies may bode well for our summertime activities, but once the rain stops, the water will slowly recede, until it disappears.
The 75-minute Discovery Aquifer Tour is $21.99 for ages 12 and up, $13.99 for ages 3-11. Call ahead at 210-651-6101 to confirm water levels are still visible. The Discovery Tour will resume when the water recedes.