SXSW 2015
SXSW announces volunteer opportunities in exchange for festival perks

Festival preparation has begun and South by Southwest has put out its annual call for volunteers. Billed as a "unique opportunity to catch a glimpse of what happens behind-the-scenes," SXSW volunteers assist with various aspects of the festival, in turn earning desirable perks, like free badges and wristbands.
Volunteer opportunities exist on the conference and production sides of SXSW. Conference Volunteers work registration, panels, award shows, trade shows, hospitality and more, while Production Volunteers covers stage crews, photography, sound production and even technical support.
Volunteers must be able to attend crew meetings and commit to a minimum of 30 hours (or three shifts) during the festival. Perks are determined by the volunteer role and amount of hours worked. A Conference Volunteer who works 30-49 hours will get a SXSWedu badge or two T-shirts; it takes 80-plus hours to earn an all-access Platinum badge.
Applications to become a volunteer are now available on the SXSW website. Potential workers will be asked to attend a Volunteer Call on January 17 or January 27 where they can sign up for desired shifts and receive more information about specific duties. Out-of-towners or those who can't attend the calls can coordinate shifts via email.
SXSW 2015 takes place March 13-22.