Love Mother Earth
Global perspectives: Tugg invites you to an Earth Day screening of One Day onEarth
When I think of Earth Day, I envision planting saplings in a park and reviewing recycling procedures at elementary schools. But what if Earth Day also included gaining a better perspective on the lives of the people living all across this giant planet of ours?
This year, the makers of the world-spanning documentary One Day on Earth have planned a global screening event on Earth Day to provide a more complete concept of what and whom exactly we're working to save. Shot in part in 160 countries across the globe on a single day, the film is the most ambitious project of its kind to date, showing the unmistakable elements of universal human storytelling.
Shot in part in 160 countries across the globe on a single day, the film is the most ambitious project of its kind to date.
Afterwards, participating filmmakers will be present to discuss the film and its continued impacts on the globe. All proceeds of these screenings, for example, go to support further screenings of the film in parts of the world that would never otherwise see these images.
Additionally, the project has become an annual filmmaking event that unites a global community of storytellers in a common goal.
The global screening project comes to Austin's Alamo Drafthouse Ritz this Sunday afternoon courtesy of Tugg, the new social media-driven movie curation tool designed by co-founders Nicolas Gonda and Pablo Gonzalez. For Tugg screenings to happen, a given number of tickets need to sell in order to secure the film at the theater.
Luckily, you've got a couple more days before the clock ticks down and time runs out. And afterwards, there's still plenty of time to plant a tree.
Get your tickets now to join cinematic history in the making with this global documentary viewing event at the Alamo Ritz at 4 p.m.