
molly's world

Legendary Austin columnist Molly Ivins stars in gripping new documentary

Molly Ivins
Celebrated writer Milly Ivins is the star of this new documentary. RAISE HELL - The Life & Times of Molly Ivins/Facebook

Fans of Molly Ivins, the Austin-based journalist, humorist, and media firebrand whose byline appeared in such publications as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Texas Observer, may want to check out the new documentary on her life, Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins, which hits local theaters on Friday, August 30.

The doc is directed by award-winning filmmaker Janice Engel (no relation to Margaret and Allison Engel, the twin-sister journalists who wrote the 2010 play Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins).

Raise Hell chronicles Ivins' career as a sharp-tongued, rabble-rousing, leftist reporter and columnist who went after corruption wherever she found it — most particularly, in her home base of Texas — before she passed away in Austin in 2007 at the age of 62, after a long bout with Stage 3 inflammatory breast cancer.

Dan Rather, Paul Begala, and Rachel Maddow are some of the people who are interviewed, and a portion of ticket sales will be split between the ACLU and The Texas Observer.

AFS Cinema will feature a little something special when the movie plays there on opening weekend. At the Friday screening at 7:30 pm, Texas Observer editor Andrea Vasquez will join former editor Nate Blakeslee in conversation and host a Q&A.


Tickets for Raise Hell: The Life and Times of Molly Ivins are available via AFS Cinema.
