Make it Reina
New high-rise development spells the end for reigning Rainey Street bar

KVUE — Another Rainey Street bar is closing its doors.
Reina announced on Instagram Friday, August 5, that its last day of operation will be Sunday, September 11. In the post, staff said they "knew this was coming and that our days were numbered."
In late July, the Austin Planning Commission reportedly approved a conditional-use permit for a four-story cocktail lounge inside a proposed 49-story high-rise at 80 Rainey St. The building site has multiple lots, including the bungalow house where Reina is located.
In a second Instagram post, Reina staff provided more information about its impending closure, saying that it is their understanding that the bungalow house will stay on the property "with the development going up around it," though they don't know what its function will be.
"We LOVE and sincerely appreciate that it's being preserved so that the old can exist with the new," Reina said in part. "The street will be different but lots of great opportunities and experiences are coming too. Rainey Street has gone through many changes over the years even before Reina and the other bars existed, and this is the net phase. And another phase will follow one day."
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