
Please Don't Move Here

Here's where all the new people in Austin are really coming from

360 Bridge Austin
Most new Austinites are not from California. Austin, Texas - Your City Government/Facebook

An average of 157 people move to Austin each day, but where exactly are they coming from? Austin-based startup SpareFoot analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau from 2009-2013 to find out, and the answer may surprise you.

Californians have a reputation for invading Austin, but most newcomers are actually our neighbors. Of the 82,014 people that moved to Travis County in that time span, 53.43 percent were fellow Texans.

The majority came from neighboring Williamson County, which accounted for 13.78 percent of new Austinites. Harris County (Houston), Hays County (San Marcos), Bexar County (San Antonio), and Dallas County round out the top five, for a total of 27,000 new residents.

And outside of Texas? Cook County in Illinois (Chicago) ranked No. 1, but it was only responsible for 1.1 percent of new residents. Two California counties — Orange and Los Angeles — slid in at Nos. 2 and 3, each contributing 1 percent. Maricopa County in Arizona (Phoenix) was No. 4, and Providence County in Rhode Island was No. 5. Together, the five contributed 3,810 new residents.

It seems like everybody wants to be a Texan. We added more people than any other state in the country from July 2014 to July 2015. The Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas-Fort Worth metros attracted a whopping 84 percent of them.
