
Links we love today

New Sifl & Olly, Nobel Prize odds, the biggest cheeseburger ever and more

Here are the links we loved today:

Grantland on Animal Collective's latest.

Say hello to Florida's first female quarterback.

This huge cheeseburger is SERIOUSLY HUGE.

What artists still aren't available on iTunes?

The New Yorker gives us another excerpt from D.T. Max's new David Foster Wallace biography, Every Love Story is a Ghost Story.

Awesome new travel supply site Cuyana presents country-themed collections.

People proves that Snooki's baby Lorenzo is, sadly, real.

Sports betters Ladbrokes put the odds on the Nobel Prize nods.

Flavorwire lists "insanely prolific" musicians.

Galleycat gives us a taste of the year's best science fiction writing.

A primer on Ayn Rand's recent resurgence.

Five senses we forget we have.

The Village Voice reviews the highly anticipated adaptation of The Perks of Being A Wallflower.

Sock puppet comedy Sifl & Olly is returning to TV!

Mad Men sort of sings Rick Astley:

And Twilight gets the bad lip reading treatment:
