Put Your Hands Up
All the single ladies: Austin's one of the best cities for your love life

Where are all the single ladies at? Hopefully you're up in the (Austin) club. In our growing list of listicle kudos, Austin has yet again been named as a top city for singles ... ladies, that is.
BBC, WalletHub and Conde Nast Travelerhave all deemed our town a hot spot for singles in the past year. Whereas the most recent Travel + Leisurearticle says that our local dating scene is great because it's dripping with dive bars, food trucks and "bearded Peter Pan types," the latest study from NerdWallet takes a more numbered approach.
Based on its findings, Austin is the No. 5 best city for heterosexual women (but we don't make the site's list of best overall cities for singles).
One of the main reasons why the dating climate is better for ladies in Austin is because the potential pool is a lot larger, with 102 unmarried men for every 100 unmarried women. There's also a high ratio of arts and entertainment businesses (a.k.a. things to do) per person, meaning Austinites have a widespread range of options for the evening's activities. In addition, the average date with two dinner entrees and two movie tickets only costs $70.88.
Overall the best places for singles are Boston, Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. That overlaps a lot with the top three places for single men — Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. respectively — but the ladies will find better luck in San Francisco, Seattle and Minneapolis. NerdWallet points out that it wasn't able to find enough stats on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered singles, so by default this study sways towards the heterosexual dating scene.
If you're not finding luck in your love life in Austin, take a page out of T+L's book and head to a food truck. The publication swears they're teeming with singles.