
Daring Greatly

Bestselling author Brene Brown returns to UT Austin to host courageous conversation

Brene Brown headshot
University of Texas grad Brené Brown returns to her alma mater for a special conversation. Photo by Maile Wilson

There is a moment in the highly underrated Netflix film Wine Country when the characters learn that Brené Brown is eating at the same restaurant. Their excitement at seeing Brown hits near-rockstar levels, amusing considering the Houston-based researcher first hit the cultural zeitgeist with a Ted Talk on vulnerability. (Which, by the way, has hit 45 million views and counting.)

The Wine Country scene is delightful — one character even tells Brown she has "skin like marzipan" — but it also captures the impact Brown and her work has had on individual people. Brown's New York Times bestsellers like Rising Strong and Daring Greatly have forever changed how readers approach topics such as vulnerability, connection, shame, and empathy — matters that at best are difficult to discuss, and at worst, taboo.

On Tuesday, October 29, Brown will return to the University of Texas at Austin to host a special conversation about these subjects and more. Daring Athletes: Embracing courageous leadership in the age of toughness will "discuss the tools that athletes can use to be their bravest, most authentic selves," according to a release.

Joining Brown on the Hogg Auditorium stage will be Daron K. Roberts, founder and executive director of UT's Center for Sports Leadership and Innovation. CSLI is the first university-based institute dedicated to developing leadership and character curricula for high school and college athletes.

“CSLI is honored and excited to bring Dr. Brown back to her alma mater,” says Roberts in the announcement. “I believe our discussion will help shift the conversation around leadership in sports.”

A longtime sports fan, Brown's conversation will discuss how athletes can "pierce the toughness veil" and explore what courage really entails. Despite its sports-centric lens, organizers say Brown’s message "is applicable to all leaders beyond just athletes."

And so, the center is inviting the public to join the conversation. Tickets for Brown's appearance are on sale Wednesday, September 18, and are priced at $45. Current UT students, faculty, and staff can purchase a ticket for $10.

For more information and to purchase tickets, head here.
